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Big John

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Background photo: Weaver's Needle. Named for a colorful early explorer and scout , Pauline Weaver, who carved his name on the rock at the base of this volcanic outcropping,

Weaver's Needle has stood silent witness to a strange and often bloody history.

The Needle was formed in the dawn of pre-history as the outer layers of volcanic mountain eroded away from its core of solidified magma. It has seen the rise and fall of the Anasazi, Pima and the Apache Indians, the coming of white settlers and the "civilization" of the old west. It looked down on the massacre by the Apaches of the Peralta party and their 200 mule train loaded down with gold and saw the real story of Joseph Waltz and his "Lost Dutchman Mine" that legend says lies in the Needle's shadow.

I am privileged to see Weaver's Needle from my back porch.
Big John